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![]() I welcome you to my world You've landed on my blog. Please click the navigations to navigate around my page, thanks much. |
+ Over the mountains and the sea
Dang what's wrong with blogger. pffft. so i'm back to lj for the mo. encantado-amour. tag please. thanks. Why did I move back, you ask. Well. I moved to wordpress, belle didn't tag. I moved to lj, she didn't tag either. So I'm moving back. HAH! I finally unveiled her evil plan. encantado says (8:36 PM): but you didn't tag either encantado says (8:36 PM): so.. encantado says (8:36 PM): yeah. encantado says (8:36 PM): see what i do for you? cel says (8:36 PM): LOL cel says (8:36 PM): :D you love me cel says (8:36 PM): my silent petition has paid off encantado says (8:38 PM): GASP. encantado says (8:38 PM): that was... that is... encantado says (8:38 PM): a DESPICABLE TRICK! cel says (8:38 PM): but you fell for it cel says (8:39 PM): :D 3 Full Circle.
hello. moving back here after all.hols are half gone, dammit. so much left to do. MELISSA ONG if you see/read this PLEASE call me. lang arts sia, remb? bleargh. reread Perfect Match by j.picoult. I hear belle's small 'tsk' of "disapproval". But haha, I realised she's an okay writer. Depends on the books la. My Sister's Keeper, Keeping Faith and Perfect Match are probably the nicer reads. Maybe I'll be a lawyer instead, her books are kinda inspiring. Somewhat. Stop laughing. ziyan isn't talking to meD: ziyan? ziyan?? are you there? D: you aren't dead right. HELLO i hvnt blogged here in ages. OKAY buhbye(: i moved. semi-permanently. is there such a thing? ohwell. anyway if you want to know where i am now, ask me. oh and for some funny reason my blogger's screwed now, so i can't use it anyway. rah. im quite sian of blogging here:\ anyway. ziyan: lol haha yeah ms lee IS hilarious. when she wants to be la x) and sorry i didnt go for youth with youD: another time k? my dad AND sis are both sick. and shockingly ning ning has EYEBAGS. they're purple. oh man. - wasted the day away after waking up at 1. bored. darned this cbox crap. ziyan: get well soon dear(: pon school tmr la. got excuse also dowan. lol. THANK GOD I GOT INTO CALCUTTA WHOOOOOOOOOO((: blogging from com lab one now, LA. george(NOT georgina) is sitting beside me and making funny noises. funny squeaks and blurbs and stuff. an oddity indeed. supposed to be reading about A Modest Proposal now. its so sarcastic its hilarious:D i love sarcastic articles. they're just SOO straightforward, don't you think? hmmm. i wonder what the freak is wrong with my computerD: finished/touched up LA research analysis. due last week. darned. now off to eat lunch and do math. what a pleasant day. maybe its sleeping for about 12 hours straight(: you ought to try it sometime. boo the tagboard. nah, the computer. |